Bookmark Deck
Axiom - Treyst & Rossum
Total Cards: 17
Comum: 21
Rare: 15
Unique: 3
Name | Effects | Quantity |
Hero When a card leaves your Reserve during the Afternoon — If I have less than 5 Scrap counters, I gain 1 Scrap counter. If I have 5 or more Scrap counters, I gain "TAP ACTION : Draw a card, then put a card from your hand in Reserve." | 1 | |
Character DISCARD ACTION : The next Permanent you play this turn costs {1} less. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.) | 3 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE [Resupply]. (Put the top card of your deck in Reserve.) | 3 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE You may put a card from your hand in Reserve #to draw a card.# | 3 | |
Character When I go to Reserve from your hand — You may play me for free and I gain [[Asleep]]. (During Dusk, ignore my statistics. During Rest, I don't go to Reserve and I lose Asleep.) | 2 | |
Character {R} []Create a [Brassbug 2/2/2] Robot token in target Expedition. {D} : []You may activate the {j} abilities of target Permanent you control. | 1 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND Put a card from your hand in Reserve. | 3 | |
Character | 3 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE Create a [Brassbug 2/2/2] Robot token in target Expedition. | 2 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE [Sabotage]. (Discard up to one target card from a Reserve.) | 3 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE You may activate the enters in expedition symbol abilities of target Permanent you control. | 3 | |
Character WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE If you control two or more Landmarks, I lose [[Fleeting]]. | 2 | |
Spell [[Fleeting]]. (Send me to Discard instead of Reserve after my effect resolves.) Choose one: • Send to Reserve target Character with Hand Cost {4} or less. • Discard target Permanent with Hand Cost {4} or less. | 3 | |
Permanent #WHEN ENTERS IN EXPEDITION [Resupply].# (Put the top card of your deck in Reserve.) Your Characters have: " WHEN ENTERS FROM RESERVE I gain 1 boost." | 3 | |
Character When you play a Permanent — If you control two or more Landmarks: I gain 2 boosts. {D} : [][Resupply]. | 1 | |
Character #DISCARD ACTION : [Resupply].# (Put the top card of your deck in Reserve. Discard me from Reserve to do this.) | 1 | |
Character {J} You may put a card from your hand in Reserve. If you do: You may return a card from your Reserve to your hand. {D} : []The next Character you play from your hand this turn activates its {r} abilities. | 1 | |
Character | 2 |