(common) - Alice | DISCARD ACTION : [After You]. (Discard me from Reserve to end your turn as if you had played a card.) | 2 |
(common) - Baba Yaga | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND Draw a card. | 2 |
(common) - Banishing Gate | [[Fleeting]]. (Send me to Discard instead of Reserve after my effect resolves.) Discard target Character or Permanent. | 3 |
(common) - Dorothy Gale | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND You may send target Character to Reserve. | 2 |
(common) - Kadigiran Alchemist | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND I gain 2 boosts[]. (A boost is a +1/+1/+1 counter. Remove it when it leaves the Expedition zone.) | 2 |
(common) - Kraken's Wrath | [[Fleeting]]. (Send me to Discard instead of Reserve after my effect resolves.) Send to Reserve up to three target Characters with a total Hand Cost {5} or less. | 3 |
(common) - Lady of the Lake | | 3 |
(common) - Off You Go! | Send to Reserve target Character with Hand Cost {3} or less. | 3 |
(common) - Sakarabru | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND Your opponent's Expedition facing me moves backwards one region. | 2 |
(common) - Spy Craft | [[Fleeting]]. (Send me to Discard instead of Reserve after my effect resolves.) [Sabotage], then [Resupply]. (Discard up to one target card from a Reserve. Put the top card of your deck in Reserve.) | 3 |
(common) - Studious Disciple | DISCARD ACTION : The next Spell you play this turn costs {1} less. (Discard me from Reserve to do this.) | 3 |
(common) - Yzmir Stargazer | | 3 |
(rare) - Alice | DISCARD ACTION : [After You]. (Discard me from Reserve to end your turn as if you had played a card.) | 1 |
(rare) - Baba Yaga | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND Draw a card. | 1 |
(rare) - Beauty Sleep | Target Character gains [[Asleep]]. (During Dusk, ignore its statistics. During Rest, it doesn't go to Reserve and it loses Asleep.) | 1 |
(rare) - Dorothy Gale | #WHEN ENTERS IN EXPEDITION# You may send target Character to Reserve. | 1 |
(rare) - Kadigiran Alchemist | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND I gain #3 boosts[]#. (A boost is a +1/+1/+1 counter. Remove it when it leaves the Expedition zone.) | 1 |
(rare) - Monolith Archivist | [Defender]. (My Expedition can't move forward during Dusk.) | 1 |
(rare) - Sakarabru | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND Your opponent's Expedition facing me moves backwards one region. #DISCARD ACTION : Draw a card.# (Discard me from Reserve to do this.) | 1 |
(rare) - Tooth Fairy | WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND [Sabotage]. (Discard up to one target card from a Reserve.) | 1 |