Nyala, Gifted Conjurer - character - mage
- Sets Printed: tbf, tbf-a
Card Effects
#WHEN ENTERS FROM HAND [Exhausted Resupply]#. (Put the top card of your deck in Reserve, then exhaust it TAP ACTION.) WHEN ENTERS IN EXPEDITION Exchange target card from your Reserve with a card from your hand.
Card Variations
tbf, tbf, tbf-a, tbf, tbf-a - ALT_ALIZE_A_LY_34_R1
tbf, tbf-a
Related Cards
tbf, tbf, tbf-a, tbf, tbf-a - ALT_ALIZE_A_LY_34_C
tbf, tbf-a - ALT_ALIZE_B_LY_34_R2
tbf, tbf, tbf-a, tbf, tbf-a - ALT_ALIZE_A_LY_34_R2
tbf, tbf-a